Blueprint for Sustainable, Ecologically-based Watershed Management in China:
A Workshop on Lessons Learned Globally
Water scarcity is increasing globally due to a combination of factors including increasing human population demands, unpredictable precipitation patterns, and inappropriate water management practices. Climate change is expected to exacerbate floods, droughts, and pollution. Most immediately, the rapid melting of montane glaciers is already contributing to flooding and / or decreasing summer river flow and therefore freshwater availability to millions of people who live in downstream countries. In China, these problems affect populations in all seven major river basins, including the Yangtze, Mekong, Yellow, Pearl, and Salween Rivers. Improved watershed management can partially mitigate these impacts. Knowledge and application of relevant eco-hydrologic principles is improving water resource management in watersheds around the world. This workshop will bring together scientific experts and water resource practitioners to present and discuss the lessons learned concerning ecologically-based, sustainable watershed management as they may have relevance for China.
Conference Overview
The 3 day conference will include 8 non-concurrent sessions and optional field trips to the Beijing Watershed and the Three Gorges Reservoir. Each conference session will include a topic overview, 3-4 case studies, a targeted panel discussion, and a discussion period for all participants. The conference will conclude with participant breakout groups to capture recommendations. The workshop will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Chinese. Topics covered will include:
Conference Outcomes
- Each session’s findings will be synthesized and published in a relevant journal.
- A multi-media module on sustainable water resource management will be developed for www.ConservationBridge.org, providing an Internet-based outlet to academic classes and outreach training programs worldwide.
- Participant recommendations will be adapted into guidelines for use by watershed managers in China.